Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ann's Note- June 2013

Hey Goobers!
Wow May was probably the most craziest month this year. Not only did I become a Jewish "adult" but one of the best shows on TV was cancelled. I am still mourning "The New Normal". Other than that tragedy, May has been a pretty great month. The month before the thing that about every student waits for. June! Now we're here. Crazy right? Everyone is moving up. My sister is going to middle school, the eighth graders are going to high school, and twelfth graders are leaving school. Even though the move from seventh grade to eighth is not exactly monumental, it is mental to think that in a little more than a year, I will be released from middle school. It's also weird to think about all the memories I made. Good and bad. Losing a couple friends, coming out with more, starting this blob. It's like a car that I'm buckled into and I can't stop from speeding ahead.
As I have said in about every single blog post this week, I am heartbroken to tell you guys that I will be leaving for a full month to go to my second home (camp). For the last couple months of June and first three weeks of July, I will not be posting any content. Which as sad as I am that I can't do what I love for a four weeks, I am ecstatic for camp and seeing all my friends that are like sisters and brothers to me. My fashion and style has been going more casual this month for as the school year ends, I become slouchier and slouchier. I will go back to my normal, crazy, clothing once the Summer ends and my energy is recharged.
I am exited for the posts coming out for I have outlined a couple different ones that I am all too exited to write and publish for you to see! With my music taste expanding and me discovering the coolest new people, my blogging ideas are growing bigger along with it. Along with my shopping addiction, I crazy about sharing my new ideas of fashion and style with you lovelies!

I wish I wish from the bottom of my heart that you have the best June possible. We are so close to Summer. Hang on, beautiful!

Read Me!
The gorgeous watercolors used in this note were done by the extremely talented Sinead. This girl is an extraordinary blogger and artist and when I checked out her blog, I instantly fell in love with these paintings. I loved them so much, that I sent her a message on Twitter asking her permission to use them. She ever so nicely wrote back telling me that it was totally fine to use her drawings. I would like to thank her SO much for letting me be able to share these stunning illustrations with you guys. I look up to her as an awesome blogging and fashion role model.
Even though every single one of these are fantastic, I would have to say this very one would have to be my favorite.:
 Sinead's Blog

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