Monday, May 13, 2013

In Which Ann Crams Random Stuff Together

Hey Guys! So I would like to call this a "scrapbook blog" meaning it has no real subject so instead, I take small things from these past couple weeks that were too small to have their own blogs and make them into a one stop post. I split these little bits and bobs into sections for you to scroll through and look as you please. I  warn you this post will probably be pretty long. Here you go my loves:
Life Scouts- Music Month
All my posts for the month of April were sadly Lifescouts free for I hadn't come up with the idea of sticking my badges into my Sunday Diaries! So I am sharing with you all my badges and stories from Lifescouts Music Month!:
Play The Cello
When I signed up to play the Cello in the 5th grade orchestra, I had dreams of becoming a prodigy or some crazy shit like that. Being the lazy person I am, I practiced ONCE, learned NO notes and played random ones in the concert, and actually broke the damn instrument. Once I got into sixth grade, I'd had enough of the cello and quit orchestra in the first week. The teacher was pretty freaking angry at me and ended up giving my parents a series of calls about how I was throwing away a great opportunity in life. Yep, I'm sure twenty years from now when I'm a fashion writing the single thought going through my head will be "God I really wish I play the cello!"
Ever since I was little, I always loved singing. I am still shy about performing in front of others for I'm afraid my anxiety would go crazy but I continue to make covers on my YouTube channel which I love to do. Even though I do not believe I am particularly a GREAT singer it's just something I like to do and I mean were all bad at something right?

Go To A Concert 
In my entire life, I have been to two concerts. My first one was when I was about ten years old and my best friend, Vivi and I saw Weird Al Yankovic in concert in Asberry Park. As you can guess, sitting close to the stage and having Al actually serenade my mom (yes it actually happened) that night was the best. The next concert I went to was actually this Summer to (don't laugh) Big Time Rush. OK OK I can explain. Viv and I were driving to Long Beach Island and saw the sign for BTR live. How could you resist that? In addition, that was at the same time that my sister was going through the James Maslow phase and we just HAD to get her to meet her future husband. Standing on the lawn with my ten year old sister and her best friend with a couple hundred fangirling rushers was the weirdest/ most fun experience ever.
Write A Song
I can see why my on experiences with songwriting may not exactly count but I thought it was all too entertaining to not share with you. In fifth grade, my best friend at the time and I kind of formed the stupidest band ever. I'm not kidding I think the two of us were a true disgrace to music. Well anyways, we wrote the worst songs in the world (most of them about the guy I liked) and still crack open the notebook that we wrote them in and laugh.
For ten long, boring, weeks a couple students and I were stuck in a room with our music teacher learning "piano" on keyboards. By the end of the quarter I came out with a respectable B and no knowledge how to read the staff.

Performing Arts
With my love of singing and costumes, musical theatre seemed the best way to go. I danced, sung, and acted in all of my elementary shows and loved the hell out of it. In sixth grade, I was sadly too busy to sign up for "Phantom OF The Country Opera" and then in 7th grade I kind of never showed up to rehearsal.. Good job Ann.

Bat Mitzvah Photo Shoot
In my Sunday Diary, I mentioned taking shots for my bat mitzvah sign in board. I didn't include these photos in my post for at the moment, I was having problems uploading them so I decided on sharing some of my favorite shots:
On me: Windsor  party dress, Claire's Tiara, MAC hot pink lipstick (picked it up at the drug store), my bat mitzvah logo (done by my Dad) on a sign. 
The weather was surprisingly cold so standing in a strapless dress with bare legs wasn't the best idea for a photo shoot. I could tell my Dad was getting pretty annoyed with me wanting to see every single picture he took after taking it with his Iphone (they came out surprisingly well). I'd like to thank all the people who commented such nice things on my instagram photos of these. It really made my heart do a little happy dance <3.
My Sewing Pieces
This little bit I've got here was supposed to be a D.I.Y but I ended up just cramming it into a little blurb about how talented I am (notice my sarcasm). I thought about sharing my newest creations with you guys!
My Necklace 
I just started making more of these after learning how to hand sew these beauties. I have gotten to the point where sewing the little flowers take about ten minutes and attaching them is an extra eight or nine. Still thinking about whether or not I should actually sell them but since I am CLEARLY the nicest person ever (again with the sarcasm) if you would like one, just put in the comments or in my Google+ your colors and I will make you one for FREEEEEEE. I love making these and they are extremely easy to sew for me. My gift to you lovely readers!
My Elastic Skirt
This skirt was made using an extremely confusing BURDA pattern and gave me serious frustration. Having to gather the fabric for the elastic waist was probably the worst though. In the end, the final product was definitely worth it! Best part about wearing something you sew: getting compliments and saying "Thanks I made it." like a true badass.

A Mini Shoutout To My Friend Pietro:
I realize that I say this WAY too much but I'm dead serious. You all must check out my friend Pietro's blog. He is extremely talented and the two of us being young bloggers, help each other out. You know me. I don't suggest something unless it is absolutely FABULOUS.
Link To Pietro's Blog

My Little Note
I just have some quick news.
1) I will be starting to create more and more blog posts and pick up speed on how many I do each week, I promise quality over quantity
2) I will be making an editor's note at the beginning of each month just like Tavi does for ROOKIE. I'm really exited about that!

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