Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Monthly Fashion Bible: August

Here we are in August! With the help of my friend and fellow How Fitting writer Emma, we can't wait to give you guys the latest clothing and makeup that we love and hope to see in this last month of American (and Italian and my friends have told me) Summer vacation!
I have so far been really obsessed with patterned shorts! My favorite has been floral for it has a vintage and summer feel. Though the ones pictured to the left are black and white, I really do love colorful flower print to add a pop of something lively into every outfit I wear.
With patterned and printed shorts being a must this month, I have turned to solid tops. My favorite colors being white and black for it goes with basically everything and gives room for the shorts to really shine. I would definitely not suggest wearing anything other than a solid top with printed bottoms for it really is all to much.
Though I have been wearing quite a lot of flip flops, I did find a pair of pretty freaking awesome boots that I could not help sharing. I am in love with everything combat boots and when I found these waterproof, floral, combats it was instant love. At the moment, I have been wearing this pair and my three year old black ones that I have given a makeover in sharpie. I have been living by the fact since sixth grade that you can never have too many combat boots no matter
As one of our lovely writers Emma has stated in her past two posts this month, we are going natural and showing off true beauty with just a little of what I call "helpers". Meaning, this month not only do we suggest it, but I myself am going to try and go a bit more natural and wear the least amount of makeup possible.
Happy August!

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