Tuesday, March 11, 2014


For a good month or so, I have been waiting for one of my favorite singers, Bribry, to release his fifth EP. The Irish singer and You Tuber announced his new collection of songs with the release of "Care". A sweet song with an adorable music video of him dressing up for a wedding which was a perfect gateway into the theme of Us. What I love about Bribry is that every one of his EPs have a theme. Staying Together was pieced around the past, Misadventure was about traveling, Grow was the story of getting older and more mature. All of these themes connect to something going on his own life at the moment and Us was no exception. What I took from the four track collection was marriage. Each and every song covers points of not only getting married but being in such a serious relationship. To make this really come to life, Bribry features gorgeous vocals from his fiance, Candice. Not only is her voice mesmerizing, but putting the lovely lady he himself proposed to really brought the theme to life.
The EP featured four gorgeous songs but my favorite no doubt would be "Hopeless" for it really captures Bribry's own relationship with his soon to be wife. He has mentioned in previous videos that him and Candice are going to be together forever not in a classic romantic way but just because they are the only two people who can really stand each other and in the song, he mentions
"if we were a perfect match, it wouldn't feel like this." Also, how could you forget the stunning re-release of "Astronauts"? Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love the Staying Together version of the song but I appreciate this on a whole new level. The song is just as gorgeous but there is something so powerful hearing this song be so developed.
All in all, Us is A+++ and I would most definitely recommend it to anyone.

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