Saturday, October 22, 2016

All The Boys Say They Don't Love Me (but i know theyre lying)

 On Friday, I finally finally (finally) saw one of my favorite bands, PWR BTTM, at Villain in Brooklyn (experience post going up tm!!) and as my two best friends and I discussed, if there was ever a time to dress truly to the nines, it was this. As all my ensembles go, quite a lot of deliberation and outfit changes went into this one before I decided on something I not only looked truly queer in but also felt comfortable wearing (meaning i wouldn't have to look at my reflection every .2 seconds or ask for constant validation). Anyways, this outfit got me through the night beautifully- I felt like the true gay princess I am !!

-Top: Christian Dior (I s2g I got it thrifted for $4 w/o seeing the tag until days later- I vommed a lil-whata steal) 
- Skirt: H&M
-Belt: Thrift
-THE shoes: Buffalo Exchange (I got these 2 years ago because my shoe broke while in the city and haven't had such a fitting event to wear them to until this)
-Necklace: made by Viv's mom for my 17th (it says "dingus" on it- very fitting)

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